Thinking about it, isn’t idle in the most perfect conditions balancing money/success and stress/online hate?

I was thinking recently how successful idle were since debut. They have been consistently in top 5 groups of their generation since debut. And although almost everyone in top 5 changed from early 4th gen to late 4th gen, idle stayed there the whole time.

They chart insanely well both in korea, china, and internationally and they have hits in japan as well (queencard and surprisingly klaxon was well liked within jfans). They also sell albums and were the 2nd? 3rd? Best selling last year. Not to mention their touring power

Individually, yuqi is a mega star in china and both soyeon and miyeon are booked and busy in korea, minnie is doing amazing in thailand and shuhua is getting constant gigs in taiwan. In terms of recognition outside of the fandom, soyeon name is VERY known. Almost all of them are recognized as visuals with miyeon/shuhua being the official (?) Visuals. And no one argue that they are not beautiful because we all have eyes

Yet when you look at the online discourse about them… it’s barely there COMPARED to their success. Like they’re discussed of course. But not that frequently and pretty much never mentioned outside of their comeback time. Even during comebacks I would say it is quite timid? Yes they sometimes receive hate but it is NEVER on a crazy level. And even then, they have a lot of defenders even outside the fandom

They’re pretty much nonexistent in IT girl conversation. Compared to wonyoung, karina, winter, chaewon, minji, yuna, sullyoon..etc. Fans also have a tendency of forgetting they’re pulling top group results when discussing the best, so they’re often left out of the toxicity unless a few fans got heated and tried to argue that they are

So, isn’t this perfect? They get the money, respect, and success of a top group, but the online discourse of a B tier group.

I would have said this is bad because it is a sign of decline when the group is not talked about anymore. Especially in an industry where any publicity is good. But in their case, they’ve been in this situation forever so I guess it works perfectly for them

What do you think? Maybe my view is skewed as an ifan. But even watching news accounts and accounts translating korean social media, they are really almost never mentioned outside of comeback time

submitted by /u/odoru-edison
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