how is feminism viewed in Korea

Heya! So I am a korean just brought up outside of korea and Ive only been there like once when I was 5, dont really have that many korean friends so Im not rlly sure how stuff works there.

I am a woman, and I believe in feminism – the core values of it. From what I am aware, feminism is the belief that men and women should be equal, yet this is not achievable when equity is not present in society first. (By this i mean that like obviously we live in a male dominated society, thus it wouldnt be fair to make things equal when obviously men will get a further advantage as time goes by)

I recently came across a few korean videos on how feminism is a mental disorder of some sort – that it started out nicely but now its a total corruption in moral standards. I understand perhaps this is a moreso conservative thinking within Korea, but it just seemed like this was an opinion the majority shared.

Would really appreciate why, like, I dont think i fully understand why its so looked down upon – is it just purely YuGyo (hope thats spelled right) beliefs, like cultural values that are stuck on.

In my defence, I was brought up in an extremely conservative household yet one thing I was taught in school was that regardless of who you are or what you look like, you should all be treated the same, and this I stick with till this day. I also believe that this is a human right, something that is universally accepted, thus feminism is just a Lense to emphasise this right but from a sexist view point.

As a feminist, if a man is ever treated differently for being a man, I will stand up for them, and if a woman is treated differently for being a woman, I will also stand up for them. I believe I wouldnt treat someone differently by their gender unless my life was in danger (this being threats of assault from anyone)

Sorry I think i ranted on but honestly – any opinions to add on would be so nice, feeling a bit lost!

submitted by /u/0gesundheit0
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