Why is Got7 charting so well on Genie but not on other Korean streaming platforms?

Let me start this off with a disclaimer: This is NOT SHADE IN ANY WAY. I’m very happy that Got7 has finally had a comeback after so long, and they are doing very well across a variety of metrics (Spotify, Youtube, iTunes, Genie, etc.) so I am in NO way saying that they’re flopping in any sort of way. Kudos to them and their fans!

My question isn’t even about them in particular honestly, more so about how Korean charts work.

I am under the impression that Bugs is the easiest to manipulate, and therefore the easiest to chart on, Flo and MelOn are the most difficult, and that Genie used to be easier, but now is more difficult since they’ve incorporated more UL data.

So I’m just confused how it is that they’re charting SOOO well on Genie, which is no easy feat, but seemingly nonexistent on other charts? Like I’m genuinely baffled by it I don’t understand what’s going on. Did they get black listed or something?? What’s the discrepancy here, am I misinformed? Like what am I not getting.

FYI I will also not tolerate or engage with anyone looking just to shit on them, I am only posting about this out of genuine curiosity.

submitted by /u/Glass_Top739
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