The idea of “Growing out of K-Pop” from a now casual fan.

Sorry if this is a little ranty, this is my first post and I wanted to discuss a topic that I’ve seen brought up on here quite a bit.

I’d like to start by saying, in my opinion, it is not bad nor childish to still like kpop as an adult. At the core it’s simply a genre of music. However the “growing up” part is how you treat that genre as you get older.

So with this, I’d say that I grew out of kpop at 17. The years before this, it had brought me unimaginable happiness. Kpop is insanely good at creating communities full of passionate and kind people through music, and I loved that. But, as I started to become more mature, I started finding that constantly keeping up with groups, the frequent ridiculous “scandals” (i.e dating rumours), and the childishness of some fans to become tedious and tiring.

I guess you could argue that I didn’t grow out of kpop, but rather the toxic spaces that kpop can create. But I’d also say that I grew out of the music too. As I grew, idols became younger in comparison to me. I also began to distinguish a clear difference between newer tween/teen idols, and the seasoned voices of adult idols. It’s like listening to Hannah Montana when you’re young, thinking it’s the most amazing voice you’ve ever heard. Then growing and thinking “WOAH she sounds so young, I never noticed that before”.

By now, I really only listen to whatever kpop songs that interest me when I happen to discover them on my feed, in shops, or on radios. It’s much less stressful, and way more laid-back. I now look back at my kpop phase with only fond nostalgia.

If you’re feeling the same way, trust it isn’t as saddening as you think it is. I actually found myself to appreciate the genre more once I took a big step back. For those adults who are still knee deep in their likeness for kpop, that’s great 😀 I’m very happy you still find happiness in such a great genre. This post is for those who might feel alone in their feelings.

submitted by /u/Nestaaaaaaa
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