Lee Know of SKZ is finally re-united with his Cupcake Crew members!

Before Lee Know is in SKZ, he was part of a dance crew called the Cupcakes – notable members include so many famous choreographers including – Bada Lee (from SWF), Vata (SMF), Redy Shin etc. Lee Know actually was initially admitted to university aiming to become a choreographer. He was the maknae of Cupcakes and was active as a dancer before joining JYPE and SKZ.

I am so happy to see him re-uniting with some of his crewmates. Recently he is doing dance challenge with Bada Lee and Vata and they all seem to be fond of him.


Tbh, I just want to share my happiness to see Lee Know dancing with his fellow dancers he grew up with.

And they all called him ‘Minho-ya’, the cutest thing ever!!!! I hope they can dance together more in the future!

submitted by /u/Many-Ad-9007
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