KT, EV Parking Services to cooperate on electric bus charging

South Korea’s KT Corp., South Korea’s largest telecom service provider, announced on Friday that it partnered with EV Parking Services (EVPS) to integrate its on-device-based Edge Event Video Data Recorder (EVDR) solution with EVPS’s electric bus chargers.

The Edge EVDR is an artificial intelligence (AI)-based video surveillance service that supports the safe operation and asset management of electric vehicle charging facilities.

Analyzing video data of vehicles using chargers can detect long-term unattended vehicles or connector negligence, preventing electric shock accidents and identifying smoke from electric vehicles to avert battery fires.

KT and EVPS aim to explore business opportunities to expand the AI of things (AIoT)-integrated electric bus charging infrastructure market, jointly develop carbon-neutral and eco-friendly energy solutions, and promote the electric bus charger business.

By Ji-Eun Jeong


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