Is Dr. YoungHoon Kim a fraud/scammer? (Allegedly highest IQ of 276)

So last year some month ago some articles in korean news appeared about him claiming he got a record IQ of 276 but you can barely find any information about him before 2024.

There is an korean wikipedia and namu article:

But all of the source references are also quite new and often link to websites which he is himself involved.

There is also a arirang interview of him:

Recently he began posting daily on twitter/x and promoting politics of other nations, for example Elon Musk, Trump and a german political party which many find really strange.

He also claims to be part of the Giga Society, a club where only people with IQ >190 are members and apparently there are only 9 members worldwide.

The official website of this club is: dating back to 2009. On this website they warn that there are frauds and scammers using the same organisation name.

YoungHoon Kim claims to be the head of the Giga Society. But he made this website which is not the original one and was only created in 2022

For a lot of the alleged members of his society you can also find barely any information. Other of the websites linked to him are about cryptocurrency and AI stuff.

This is another organsiation which he is apparently the head of:

Also, if he really had a record IQ of 276 would’t there be a lot more news media coverage and sources about him on the internet?

There is more inconsistent and strange stuff about him and I find it all really weird and think that he is probably a fraud/scammer trying to get money with crypto scams or something. But I might be wrong, who knows.

Since my korean skills are not that great it’s hard for me to do research on naver or other korean media about him.

What do you think about him?

submitted by /u/maguz94
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