Here’s what I experienced:
I was going home from work at around 11pm after having heard about the martial law declaration. While watching the news, I felt the urge that something has to be done about the situation. So I hopped off the bus early at a subway station and headed for Yeouido (where the National Assembly building was).
The subway was initially mostly empty (as it usually is around that late in the night), but as I got closer and closer to Yeouido, more and more people got on, and ovehearing some of them’s conversations, it was clear all of them were heading to the National Assembly. Around midnight, one woman in a wheelchair went around in the train I was on, telling people about the situation and asking and pleading people to defend the National Assembly from the soldiers.
I arrived at the National Assembly station at around 12:20. PIC Around 100 people got off from the same train as me. As soon as I got to the surface, I could hear people yelling and protesting. I immediately saw a couple of people hopping the fence to get into the National Assembly yard. I followed them.
As soon as I got to the other side, I saw around 20 to 30 armed soldiers loosely gathered in a spot, seemingly waiting for orders. PIC PIC They seemed to be ignoring me and the other citizens hopping the fence and walking to the main National Assembly building. As I walked to the main building, the soldiers who were waiting started to move to the main building as well. PIC PIC PIC They weren’t forming a coherent line, though, so I had the chance to run alongside them and ask them a question. While walking, I got close to around four soldiers and asked them “Where are you going, sir?” (지금 어디 가시는 거예요?). Each time, they looked at me and then didn’t say anything, while avoiding eye contact, and kept moving to the main building. Later I found out that they were ordered to storm the National Assembly to arrest the opposition party’s leaders and prevent assembly members from getting in.
When I reached the front door, there were around 50 citizens standing around. The front door was barricaded with furniture and wooden boards. PIC As soliders, who I followed, arrived, they started to form a line and push against the citizens. PIC As more soliders arrived, the pushing got more intense. I joined the line of citizens in the front. The citizens were yelling things like, “If you go in, you will all become traitors and criminals that will go down in history!” at the soliders. Some of them were filming or livestreaming the situation with their phones. Some of the citizens spat out insults at the soldiers, which was stopped by another citizen telling him to stop inciting the soldiers. She said, “The soldiers need to be protected too.”
The newly arrived soliders seems to be calm at first and formed a line parallel to the citizens, and didn’t engage with them. I stared them down in the eyes, and most of them avoided eye contact with me. They seemed like they didn’t want to be here. This went on for about five mintues. I heard from the others that some of the soliders succeeded breaking into the building through one of the windows in the back of the building. Then, suddenly, they starting pushing intensely at the line of citizens, trying to break our line. We pushed back hard too. At some point, there was screaming and a few citizens forming the line fell down, and then one citizen standing behind me fell, and I was overwhelmed by the pushing force of the soliders that I fell as well, nearly on top of a soldier who was already on the ground. My glasses almost fell off my face. It was hectic.
People kept yelling to keep order, and eventually I got to my feet, and the soliders stood up too. Things seemed to calm down a bit. PIC I could see helicopters flying and landing nearby. PIC Then, more soldiers arrived at the scene. Soon, again, the soldiers suddenly started pushing again, more intensely than before. I pushed back as hard as I could as well. At some point I lost balance and had to grab a soldier’s on the face to keep upright. One soldier put both their hands up and yelled “We are on the citizen’s side!” (저희는 시민의 편입니다!).
Minutes that felt like an hour passed, and then around 01:00, people started cheering, saying that the vote to lift the martial law has been passed by the assembly members in the building we were defending. The soldiers stopped pushing. After what felt like 10 mintues, they started to pull out, slowly at first, then suddenly, most of them. The citizens cheered, “The citizens have won!” (시민이 이겼다!).
I kept waiting around to see all of the soldiers retreat. PIC PIC At around 2 AM, The National Assembly member Park Jumin of the Minjoo party came out of the front door, and explained us the situation. PIC He told us that the martial law has virtually lost all its power, and that they will be working until the current administration meets the end. He and other assembly members told us that they were currently discussing the law to charge Yoon of treason (내란죄). They told us even around 10 of the ruling party members joined to vote to lift the martial law. One of the citizens asked the assembly member Lee Jae-jung how she got into the building, and she replied “by hopping over the fence”. She said all of the assembly members had hopped the fence to save democracy tonight.
At around 4 AM, although I was still feeling anxious because Yoon still hasn’t announced anything following the National Assembly’s vote, I was feeling cold and extremely tired and aching all over, so I returned home. As I neared home, I saw Yoon declare that he will lift the martial law as soon as his cabinet wakes up. I could finally go get some sleep.
submitted by /u/mujjingun
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