“尹탄핵땐 美경제·안보 지원 중단”… 주한美대사 유력 모스 탄의 경고 – 아시아투데이
> Possible International Backlashes, Including Calling It a Coup
Dean at the Liberty University School of Law Morse Tan, who has served as US’s international criminal justice ambassador during Trump’s first term as president, warned in his submission to UPI that ‘If Yoon gets impeached, the economic, security, and investment assistance from the US may halt”.
Tan explained in his article that “Removing Yoon may trigger Section 7008 punishments from the United States government, which can include the elimination of: Bilateral Economic Assistance (III), International Security Assistance (IV), Multilateral Assistance (V), and Export and Investment Assistance (VI).”
As someone who has worked in international human rights and war crime-related policies under Trump, Tan’s words draw attention to what effects they will have on Korean-American relations. Tan is a strong candidate as the next American ambassador to Korea.
Tan mentions that Korea’s liberal side is likely to encounter unexpected resistance while pushing for Yoon’s impeachment, and analyzes that while Yoon’s impeachment may look like victory in the short term, in the long run it may trigger the conservatives to stick together while international denunciations arise. Tan says that, mentioning the regulations of the US Department of State, that “forcibly removing a legally elected leader may be treated as a ‘coup d’etat, and may halt any and all assistance for the country.” He emphasizes that Yoon was “duly elected,” and that “surrounding the presidential residence with thousands of armed agents and throwing him into solitary confinement should count as a coup d’etat if Yoon is ultimately removed from office.”
Tan also called into question the doubts surrounding chairman of the Together Democratic Party Lee Jaemyung, who is expected to rise as a prominent candidate for the following presidential term should Yoon get elected. He discussed how two of Lee’s close associates have been sentenced for crimes for which Lee is also being convicted for involvement, and argued that “There are reports that the Chinese Communist Party is already thinking about a replacement for Lee”, and that “Lee already qualifies for U.S. and U.N. sanctions based on the alleged pouring of millions and millions of dollars’ worth of money into North Korea.”
Tan mentions that in the case Yoon’s impeachment falls through without legal legitimacy, international trust in Korean democracy may be seriously damaged. He claimed that planning impeachment for Yoon because of his exercising his right in case of national emergency according to Article 77 of the Consitution may fail to gain political justification. He also argued that the liberal powers should seriously reconsider their agenda in supporting Yoon’s impeachment.
submitted by /u/Fermion96
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