Will it kimchi?

Will it kimchi?

Started my first batch of kimchi using Maangchi’s recipe as guidance, but I think I must have skipped a step or done something wrong because mine looks more watery?

At least one thing I know I did wrong was leave the Napa in a salty water brine for 2 hours instead of only using salt, I read the recipe wrong and thought that was how to wilt the cabbage. When I looked at the cabbage the leaves were still very crisp so I re-read the recipe and realized that I needed to salt them without the water. I later tried to correct this by drying them and going back in and salting them for another two hours without water this time. After the 2nd salting the cabbage was much more flexy and did not snap when I folded and rolled it.


submitted by /u/dianastywarrior
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