I actually posted here before about my thoughts on ITZY’s biggest “what-ifs” in their career. Aside from that, I’ve also been casually looking through posts on this app about the girls. Now, I can’t help but wonder what people on this subreddit think about some of my questions regarding their future in the industry.
Do you think ITZY will peak again, or was their debut era their highest point? If they do peak again, how do you think it will happen? On the other hand, if they don’t reach another peak but remain stable, how long do you think their career will stay in that middle ground—where they’re not as popular as before but also not flopping?
Also, with their 7th anniversary coming up, do you think all the members will renew their contracts with JYPE? What do you think JYPE’s plans for ITZY are right now? Do the company still have a long-term plans for the group?
Disclaimer: These are just some random curiosity-driven questions. I love ITZY so much, and I really want them to have another peak era like their “Wannabe” days.
submitted by /u/why_dmn
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