I have been thinking about this and decided just to make a post of appreciation of how much SKZ loves music.
Preface – I know their music is very divisive and on the other end of the spectrum, those who love their music, REALLY do love their music (like me, I am always excited to re-listen to their discograpy and super happy with new releases). Those who did not get their music, lots of them either straight up hate and call it ‘trash’ (see ‘noise’ music is not even a basic deragatory description for SKZ these days).
That said, their music is NOT for everyone (most of their discography is varied but their most famous ones are very in-your-face-and-your-eardrum kind of music) but at the same time, if you are actually really into music, you will discover that their music is actually for everyone (the b-sides are chefs kiss to me).
So, in celebration of SKZ love for music and performance, I would like to share a few videos that depict this love.
- SKZ is made for live music and festivals: Lolla Chicago 2024 – https://youtu.be/1eN60n2nQYg?si=YLoeLmyiFUY8drqD
Their live band is a gem. I love the arrangement, I love that it is crazy that they do almost back-to-back live 1.5 hours of performance which consists of really crazy setlist that requires so much energy. You can see on their faces how they love performing with those smiles. They love the stage, truly.
- When I say SKZ loves music, it is not an exaggeration, they make their music, they perform it like it is their last day on earth and they are so involved, in this instance, Bang Chan is even involved with their festival performance preparation with their live band. You can see here he was making notes for changes that he wanted etc. He is INVOLVED involved, not just a company musical director doing all the behind the scene stuff.
- SKZ is truly involved in their music – specifically 3RACHA and to a certain extent Hyunjin recently. They are in the studio, directing on how they want their sound to sound like. All their album introductions will talk about their thought procesess etc.
- Their love for music made them release songs they work on free on Youtube. Individual projects that is near and dear to them like their SKZ Records and Replay.
Hyunjin’s Quill And Pen – https://youtu.be/eSRLZfj3X80?si=y9-yc0D0mVe_otKM
Han’s Miserable (You And Me) – https://youtu.be/iTDfI20gwGo?si=dU8sRlhU2IKhbS2G
Han and Seungmi’s Respirator – https://youtu.be/2OGtJXeH6LQ?si=n0YNStFlRkvphFkO
- They work with people or musicians they love and respect.
Tablo and SKZ’s U – https://youtu.be/iqeY3sz8ldk?si=EUznWiozPVmM5Yvo
Tiger JK and SKZ’s Topline – https://youtu.be/b3GYcA7j5mg?si=-MkIPM4ilIMtFcVX
- Seungmin, specifically, just love singing. Here is his solo project ‘Song By’, singing songs that mean a lot to him
There are lots more but I will end it here, fell free to ask more. SKZ will always love music and performing.
I have seen people on Reddit discussing how kpop has lost its meaning with idols becoming fashion ambassadors and whatnot but it is not true. Lots of idols love music. SKZ is one of them. The amount of involvement into their music and music in general is crazy, even by kpop standard. They make music, perform music, love music, talk about music, a lot. And I, in turn, as a fan, enjoy their music and performance, so do a lot of their fans.
submitted by /u/Many-Ad-9007
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