Today was Myung Jaehyun’s 1 year anniversary as an Mcountdown MC (alongside Hanbin from ZB1 & Sohee from Riize) and he also won 1st place on Mcountdown today! He had previously expressed how much he wants to win an award on Mcountdown while he’s still an MC, but never thought that it would happen- He seemed super nervous the entire day, but so happy and relieved after he won. The other Boynextdoor members unfortunately weren’t there because they already finished their promotions, so Jaehyun had to do an encore alone- Despite being on the brink of tears, he did AMAZING! I can definitely see him being an amazing soloist in the future, his charisma is crazy and he always seems like he’s having so much fun. After he finished his encore, he was so overwhelmed with graditude that he immediately broke down and started sobbing on the floor 🥹 He tried to do a speech but he was crying so much he could barely talk. He seems to have such a sweet soul and very in touch with his big emotions. I feel like he exudes so much positive energy into this industry. He really wears his heart on his sleeve and it’s very endearing🩷 congratulations on winning your 1st mcountdown trophy Boynextdoor!!!!
submitted by /u/GroceryAgile1920
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