Kpop stans and their double standards about idols sexualization

Before some of you will comment, when I am talking about sexualization, I am not referring to those that call idols “hot” or something, so don’t be dense, you know what I mean.

Most of the time, when someone discusses idol sexualization particularly male idols the comments often revolve around statements like, “It’s just marketing” or “That’s the idol’s purpose” and so on. However, when it comes to female idols sexualization, there tend to be more negative reactions, such as ‘It’s disgusting!’ etc.

I’m not here to say “Let’s stop sexualization” or “Sexualization both it’s not a big deal” but I do believe that if you hold a specific stance, you should apply that same to both. If you despise female sexualization, then you should despise male sexualization as well. If you think sexualization isn’t a big deal, then you should keep this mentality for both. If you have double standards, I’m sorry, but I won’t take you seriously because you’re applying your morals only when it’s convenient for you.

submitted by /u/ForceApprehensive597
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