I fear Lisa’s Alter Ego is the perfect Hot Girl Walk album

This is an appreciation post, so don’t rain on my parade. If you have nothing nice to say—go away!

I hadn’t listened to the whole album yet, just watched the music videos as they were released. But I’ve seen the discussions and several awfully long reddit posts dissecting it.

But after a long day at work and just kinda moping around after dinner, I decided to go for a walk and finally listen to it. And it did not disappoint!! Every song was upbeat and catchy and after each one, I was like “oh what a good workout song let me add it to my playlist ” lol.

By the end I was pumped up and genuinely happier. Even the prettier songs had a quick beat and I found myself walking faster without even thinking about it.

So…Moonlight Floor is still my favorite, and I think Lisa’s going to kill it at Coachella.

submitted by /u/tooleyloo
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