Do you think Shuhua has what it takes to debut as a soloist?

With Minnie recently making her solo debut ‘HER’ and every other member of (G)I-DLE already having their own solo projects out, it really got me thinking about Shuhua. Does Cube have similar expectations for her as a soloist? And more importantly, does she have what it takes to succeed in the solo spotlight?

As we all know, being a soloist requires the ability to carry live performances and a strong skill set across vocals, dance, and sometimes even songwriting/production. However, in her 8 years of being in the industry, Shuhua has never had a solo vocal stage, nor has she ever even featured on another song, let alone a single writing/production credit. In contrast, the other members have a wealth of experience in solo work, music production and collaborations even before their official solo debuts.

This isn’t to say Shuhua doesn’t have potential, she’s really grown a lot since debuting, and her confidence on stage has become so much stronger. Her visuals are undeniable, and she definitely has the charisma to captivate the audience.

Would love to hear your thoughts, do you think we’ll see a solo debut from her anytime soon?

submitted by /u/heavenly_wave
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