What do you think about this ticketing system?

So today was seventeen’s Bangkok concert ticket pre-sale and one interesting things I noticed was how to secure the ticket the person must answer some of the general questions about seventeen. It can range from the meaning behind their name to questions about members memes and stuff. I wasn’t buying tickets or anything but I saw carats on twt sharing all the questions they got while ticketing and were saying how fun it was to answer them.

I personally feel like it is a cool thing to do. Like even if you are a new fan these kind of requirements kind of makes you wanna do more research into the group. I heard folks were saying how this can be a turn off for casual fans but I feel like this is a great opportunity for casual fans to also learn more about the group and it’s members. Some were saying how this will prevent the group from selling their tickets.. Personally I don’t think popular groups with over a million people in ticket queue wouldn’t really mind loosing few people . But you guys tell me.. What do yall think about it?

submitted by /u/ForgottenNoMore
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