Parental Abduction in South Korea

One day I want to write a far longer more detailed report on Courtney Lynn’s case. But for now, if you aren’t already familiar with it, the ‘Dark Asia with Megan’ video is a good place to start.

I know domestic violence can happen anywhere, but the complete betrayal by the authorities that should have been there to protect Courtney is absolutely shocking. She went to the police because she feared for her and her children’s safety, and they handed her three month old son to the mother of the very man she was trying to escape. This should be an absolute national scandal. It may not be front page news yet, but the powers that be are losing the battle of trying to keep this under wraps.

Every week I hear of more and more similar cases, of parents either being blocked from seeing their children or staying in abusive relationships for fear of losing their children if they don’t. Foreigners are especially vulnerable, but this is happening to Koreans too.

At a time when Korea is trying to encourage foreigners to move here and start families, this really is the worst advertisement possible for them. Why would anyone want to move to Korea to start a family when the police will actively hand over your baby to your abuser and then provide you with no help while they attempt to cover up their being complicit.

I hope this is a landmark case where not only will Courtney get her son back, but enough public outrage builds up to push the government into making sure that this is never allowed to happen again.

Sadly, finances seem to count far more in Korean custody cases than any other factor that would make a parent suitable, and as a single mum Courtney faces an uphill battle. Courtney desperately needs our help and there is a way to help her. Linking to her gofund me is just going to see this post get deleted, but you can find it through her Youtube channel.

Don’t let Courtney suffer the same fate as this poor Vietnamese woman.

Nothing can ever replace the time with her children that was stolen from her, but I hope one day she recieves the compensation and apology she so rightly deserves.

Also, Jay Sung and Mike Fallon, who had their sons abducted from the USA into Korea, on Grazy TV

My Korean language is still embarassingly poor, but I believe this is the latest Korean language news on the issue.

submitted by /u/dinoboy106
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