Clarification around Twitter

Good Day or Night Thinkers!

Right now on Reddit, there is a movement to ban references and links to various social media outlets, most notably Twitter.

Here on kpopthoughts, we already don’t allow twitter as a source of serious information. However, there was a recent discussion where most commenters agreed that a big part of toxicity here on reddit is from things that marinate on twitter for a while. For example: “I saw on twitter that people are saying… “. These ‘things’ that people are saying are rarely good; twitter seems to be used as ‘receipts’ for fanwars.

For this reason (and us wanting to not support Elon Musk), references and links to twitter are now completely banned on this sub. If there is information that you found on twitter that you want to reference, track it back to a more legitimate source. Thanks!

submitted by /u/KpopThoughtsmodteam
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