Are there any funny korean social media accounts out there

Im posting this here because it’s prob the sub with the best demographic for this post 💀 So I’m Korean American so I want some Korean content on my tiktok and insta but I feel like I never see any good content coming out of Korea. Everything is so serious and boring lmao. The stuff Im looking for is like tokyo_sims, the konichiwarts guy, or the japanese tyranno dance guys. All just funny unserious stuff on the street and not in english. All the korean stuff I see is just koreaboos talking about their favorite idols or people doing street interviews asking if korean people like foreigners or some boring ahh questions like that 😭😭 Idk if you guys know what im talking about but if you know about any funny korean social media accounts PLS lmk.

submitted by /u/Ill_Science_1423
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