Why did people in the industry (not the idols) ignore and treat BTS badly in their rookie years?

Jin recently went on a variety show and the host confessed that he willingly ignored them when BTS wasn’t that popular… there are so many stories when it comes to them of people ignoring them or being assholes to them because they weren’t that big or part of a big company. … honestly they are better than me because I would ignore them all but they are good people…but this makes me wonder if this is a common practice within the industry or was it a BTS thing….. what was the reason for these people to behave like this against BTS, was it paid or premeditated, what do you think? I understand fandoms being horrible because fanwars are one thing but variety host? Journalist? Critics? I don’t know why they were so terrible to them. BTS are better people than me because I would take revenge on everyone 🤣

There are so many stories of them being ignored by these people. Too many for my liking.

submitted by /u/kat3dyy
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