There is too much pity and not enough celebration on K-Pop Reddit!

This is something that has been bothering me for a while: We focus way too much on the negative instead of the positive.

Let’s take ILLIT as an example: They had an incredibly successful 2024 and early 2025, despite the hate. They broke records left and right and released absolute bangers, the same goes for LSF.

Now, why is it that all we talk about is their hate train? Yes, everyone wants to protect their favorite artists but everyone should also support their favorite artists, right? It’s borderline insulting to the artists themselves to overly obsess about the hate waves they face instead of talking about their actual archievements. The latter is what should matter and what we should focus on. Let’s celebrate their archievements instead of focusing too much on the hate they receive!

Edit: Use this as an appreciation / celebration thread for your faves!

submitted by /u/Physical_End_537
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