Stayc comeback BEBE honest review from a fan

I was excited for them to have a comeback as I was really hoping for something fresh. I can usually look past imperfections but in this comeback, I was left wanting something more, something better. From the visual side of the physical album to the lyrics and sound of the songs, it really boils down to…. not much. I could get past boring visuals if the music was actually good but the lyrics dont make a whole lotta sense soemtimes and every song is under 3 minutes, with both bsides being under 2 minutes and 30 second, which adds up to a total of almost 8 minutes of listening time in total. Not the best quality listening time at that. I like that they still manage to keep their Stayc sound in the songs, yet the streaming-ification of them makes it lacking. It is a patter I have recognized in recent kpop releases, they usually aim for the numbers and not for artistic value or quality. I love Stayc and this is only my saddening observation and opinion. Feel free do disagree.

submitted by /u/ElisaPetrova
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