Seollal (Korean New Year) Gift Ideas for foreigners

I live outside of Korea now and most people probably don’t know about Seollal or don’t care so I don’t want to make it a big deal. I want to give some very small gifts, like sharing some snacks with my non-Korean friends and colleagues.

I was thinking about sharing 한과/약과(Han-gwa, traditional Korean snacks) but I don’t know it will be popular as I heard that they usually don’t like them because they are not sweet. I want to share some small stuff that have Korean touch and most people will actually enjoy.

I can’t bring actual hot food like dumplings or 떡국 although I want to because it’s logistically impossible, and it’s weird lol.

It should be either small snacks or small gifts that I can easily hand over to people. Please share some good ideas. Thanks!

submitted by /u/notsry4brokenenglish
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