Not being attracted to some members of a group

I feel so bad about writing this but does someone else feel same way? So i love Ateez so much but i cannot stand Mingis looks…I appreciate him in the group and he is so talented but i’m put off by his looks so much😭 idk even what it is, maybe the more ”manly” look? I usually like more feminine looking guys, but then San is my bias in Ateez and i don’t think he is that feminine looking. I have seen them live for 3 times and really close too and every time i try to like Mingi but i just cringe when he is in front of me or just am really uninterested. It’s not like he is ugly but i just cannot find him attractive😭 i feel like such a bad ATINY and idk what can i do, i’ve tried to train myself to like him. I wasn’t atrracted to Yunho before either but when i saw him live it changed and now i am super attracted to him. And for example i think in BTS everyone is super attractive, idk what is my problem, does anyone else have a problem like this?

submitted by /u/Safe-Excitement2929
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