New to KBBQ – how do I not ruin their grills?

Hey y’all! American white girl here (would you have guessed) who has just became OBSESSED with KBBQ, however know nothing about it. Beef bulgogi cooked in pork belly fat with grilled kimchi? Sign me the f*$k up. However, all over the times I’ve been there, the staff come to change the grill at LEAST 4 times, and I’m only cooking for myself. Is this normal? I feel bad for the guy who comes to change it every 10 min, he told me I have great caramelization tho 😭. How can I get that without getting the grill completely black & smoky…or is this normal? I don’t mind it, I just don’t want to ruin anything from my inexperience

submitted by /u/chlbeck42
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