Korean American thinking about performing conscription at the age of 31.

As the title says I’m a 31 year old Korean American dual citizen male thinking about performing his conscription of military service in Korea. I have what is a dual citizen exemption allowing me to be in Korea for up to 6 months. Born in the states I lived in Korea from the age of 2-5 and then returned to the states permanently. I’ve been recently thinking (past year) about performing my military service. I got laid off in May and haven’t had much luck in the job market (tech with a focus on video games). I’ve always had the idea of returning to Korea at some point of my life and now Im thinking about doing it while im young. I have a decent resume and CV and I’d think I would be valuable in the Korean market. Im fluent in Korean, but I would say I only understand 95% of most conversations there are some gaps in vocab and I read and write fluently. However I understand I am pretty old at this point so what can I expect? I also have torn my ACL and had a reconstruction thats not completely 100% Am I crazy for even considering this? Are there another option besides straight branches of the military? or any advice?

submitted by /u/Skykisun
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