In case of an invasion would most South Korean men protect their country or flee?

Don’t know much about military patriotism in South Korea. Interested in the opinions of ones who are familiar with culture and history.

Usually the answer to these kind of questions is people will stay and fight.

But it’s 2025 now, a lot of things are different in today’s world compared to the past. People value their lives a lot more and experiencing peace for most of their lives it’s hard for them to submit themselves to war.

Two arguments make me lean more towards fleeing option:

  1. Young South Korean men see their country as a dystopia. Competition in education and job market makes it hard to build your life. People’s hope for a better future is low.

  2. Mandatory military service and chronic abuse makes South Korean men view their own military negatively.

What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/arkstrider88
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