Hi. I’m a foreigner, obviously, and my korean isn’t good enough to have a conversation about this topic whether broadly or on specific topics.
I’m hoping I can pose these questions in good faith and have others chime in so I can understand the different perspectives. I have no intention to argue otherwise or start fights in the comments, so please feel free to express your opinions and share resources, instead of fighting.
I’m looking to educate myself and understand the following two topics I’ve seen spoken about and would love to know what evidence is used to support these positions specifically from the South Korean perspective. You don’t need to be Korean to answer me but I would prefer sources to be from Koreans if possible.
1.) Why do some Koreans believe that obtaining nuclear weapons will solidify sovereignty? I’m looking for an explanation why this seems to vr a popular position I’ve seen.
2.) Do South Koreans really believe that South Korea lacks autonomy and is a vassal state of the USA, that they are an occupied country? Or is this just a North Korean propaganda point that’s been adopted by certain voices?
I realize these topics require a lot of nuance and I’m eager to hear that presented by people with more knowledge and experience with them.
Thanks for providing me information and different perspectives. I really appreciate you taking the time!
submitted by /u/WisdomsOptional
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