LET’s BE HONEST: What do you think are the reasons why these four 3rd Gen groups (BTS, BP, Twice, SVT) have remained so prominent & at the forefront of Kpop up till now despite us already being in 5th gen?

Okay, so this post is actually inspired by another post that was made the other day, and I found it to be an interesting topic, as well as the answers were also pretty intriguing to read, so I decided to post a similar one. But since I am mostly a fan of 3rd Gen groups (& 5th Gen groups) I decided to focus on the current Top4 3rd Gen groups.

According to a lot of media outlets, Knetz, and even international Kpop fans, we have officially entered 5th Gen (since like last year), and yet as someone who officially entered the kpop bubble back in 2012 when 3rd gen had began, I have noticed that groups like BTS, BLACKPINK, TWICE, and SEVENTEEN in particular have really kind of lasted longer than typically expected. Especially in the sense that they have still managed to remain consistently active (most esp Twice & SVT), relevant, and most of the time in the forefront of a lot of achievements and accolades even in our current generation (5th Gen), which tbh, seems pretty rare for a group their age. Despite groups like H.O.T, BigBang, TVXQ, SHINee, SNSD, 2ne1, Super Junior, etc still being a staple even in our current generation (with some still being relatively active) however these groups aren’t nearly as active nor do you continuously see them reaching new peaks (as a group) as much as these 4 groups in particular, and I want to know why? I want to know what makes these 4 groups so “special” or the exception to what we are so used to seeing with veteran groups who typically slow down or end up stagnant in their group career and popularity?

Because despite now being a decade (or nearly a decade) old now these groups still continue to move forward reaching new peaks, gaining new achievements and even popularity. Especially with the case with Twice & Seventeen, where both groups seem to be reaching new peaks and heights when it comes to touring, their charting performance, and/or album sales. While BTS & BP seem to find their peaks more so with their individual solo activities and endeavours. These 4 seem to really stand the test of time, and have shown to be able to achieve longevity in a way that differs from the older groups (esp the ones I mentioned earlier), but why? I want to know why these groups in particular have remained so strong in the kpop scene, and even seen growth despite older groups and even their peers fizzling out or being stagnant? What is so appealing about them that they seem to continuously attract new fans and gain more popularity, and secure new achievements? Or what do you think is their strengths that have allowed and helped them to remain as relevant as newer & younger groups (like NewJeans, Stray Kids, RIIZE, aespa, TWS, BaeMon, etc) in our current generation? And lastly, do you think there are any other groups (preferably talking about the younger & newer groups in 4th & 5th gen) who you see having this same type of longevity, relevance, & popularity well into other generations in the future, and if you please feel free to mention who?

As the other poster had mentioned, it is fine if you like or dislike one of these groups but still be respectful when speaking about them, and I would appreciate it if you can list down OBJECTIVELY the reasons why you think they are popular and still relevant to this day? I would also prefer if you give reasons for each group, specifically just about BTS, Blackpink, Twice, and Seventeen. And lastly, just like the other poster had mentioned, I as well would like to see “UNBIASED and NEUTRAL OPINIONS.” Thank you let’s have a healthy discussion.

[EDIT 1] – Added a link to the post that inspired my post.

submitted by /u/Ok_Present_8373
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