Are there any K-Pop fans here that are from minor ethnic groups?

Hi! My name’s Mahum (full name is Van Lal Hum) and I’m a 14-year-old casual K-Pop listener (used to be a fan between February 2019-July 2020) and I’m apart of an ethnic group called Chin (sub-tribe is Falam) which like I previously said is from Myanmar, India, and Bangladesh and we have around 34-36 identified sub-tribes. (The Northern tribes are more exposed to the western media while some of the Southern tribes tend to be very obscure due to the fact that Buddhism can be the main religion of some of these tribes instead of Christianity.) K-Pop is a decently big thing in our community as well! So is there anyone that is like me? Some examples would be something like Uyghur, Hmong, Kachin, Khasi, Tatar, etc.

Other than that, when I found out that there was HMONG idol named Lexus Vang who‘s from VCHA, though I’m obviously not Hmong myself, I was quite happy that the Hmongs (or just any other ethnic minorities in general) were getting voices that are now heard (even though they are probably already well-known because I see a plenty amount of content about them- 😭✋ but yeah!) 💕

submitted by /u/PirateTokimekyun
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