About key kpop markets and what makes them so

I’m just curious to understand the commercial perspective. As I assume, the inclusion of foreign members in kpop groups is driven by specific countries’ markets. In your opinion what is it about these countries that make them a key kpop market?

For example, the China market is lucrative for sure, though I wouldnt say kpop is accepted as a mainstream. But if you’ve got a strong fanbase there then the money is gonna come in.

For the west, mostly I see that these members still have east-Asian roots, so maybe that’s because they want someone who has the benefits from both sides – fluent English and relates better to western fans but also being able to work in the Korean work environment. “The west” is also very broad so it’d be interesting to know if certain countries are preferred.

Not very sure about the drivers behind choosing Japan, Thai, and I guess recently Indonesia with Carmen.

Thoughts from the business minds here?

submitted by /u/Allthingsmatcha0923
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