Songs where the chorus is the worst part vs songs where the chorus is the best part

This is inspired by Tick-Tack having one of the most obnoxious choruses ever. I only recently started listening to it because of edits of the outro and second verse set to Mario Kart footage and Brat font lyrics. Those parts are just as smooth as butter. They’re so good they save the choruses.

And the for me, the other side of this spectrum is Loco. The verses just kind of feel loud for no reason. But then the chorus is so perfect. The belting is absolutely warranted.

For both of these songs my enjoyment of them is heterogeneous but still they’re unskippable bops. And if I had to choose I think I’d rather the song has a good chorus but it’s more common that a song has a really good bridge or verse that really carries it.

What are your favourite examples of this type of song?

submitted by /u/RoyGeraldBillevue
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