What to do about stalkers

I don’t know if there’s an actual gang or human traffickers in gayang (I’m not sure about the poverty or crime rate of the neighborhood) but I’m getting stalked wherever I go towards the subway station or the bank. I received a kakao message from my dad’s friend threatening me that he is a private investigator and is following me with his team of various people. The PIs keep taking pictures of me and my mom and the friends I meet. It’s starting to irritate me in the suspicion that one of them has a knife and they wait at the door when I go to the bathroom. Several creepy PIs even followed me to costco even when my aunt and uncle drove me there. I heard PIs can stalk people up to 8 years as long as the people find them but I don’t know how I will deal with this long of stalking. I get the feeling they want me dead. I pretended to be a video streamer and recorded my stalkers on my phone (I also took pictures) so I’m not making this up. They all were acting suspicious and a lot of them had phones to alert other people to stalk me.

submitted by /u/TeamFrequent3652
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