Why is the birthrate so low?

Ive seen a lot of articles of Koreas low birth rate and I am just curious as to why? Is there any other reason than just the typical being financially stable, with a house and car, and whatever standard there is to have for them to then have kids?

Like is it mainly the men not wanting to have kids or the women not wanting to? Is it due to wanting to focus and have a career that they can be proud of? Why is it that families only want one or two kids? Why not more? Dont give me the reason of finances, because thats obvious. But is it just the norm? Have any of you guys wanted to have a big family?

Small rant: Other than that, honestly it sometimes saddens me that the average age of married couples nowadays wanting kids is past 30. Like having that generational gap between your child and yourself is saddening? That would mean that when youre old, they would need to take care of you at a younger age if anything were to happen. And by then that would mean they would need to take care of you and their own family at a much younger age. Like why cant people get married during their twenties, it doesnt mean you have to stop studying or have kids, atleast then you would have someone you fully trust and rely on. Then after studying, you can start a family and what you earn can mainly focus on the family. Then atleast that will make you strengthen the relationship you have with one another since both of you have sacrificed and struggled together.

If you and your partner are both well off already, then theres no need for the two of you to be reliant on one another. And if theres no emotional support on either side, whats stopping your partner to look for it from someone else? whats there to struggle for? You both can just break things off and get on with your life after a few months of heart break.

Is it hard to see life from this point of view? What i said is subjective and debatable. But i guess it takes a strong heart to fully love someone. Anyway hope to see some interesting answers.

submitted by /u/Odd-Locksmith2091
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