Apparently a New Jeans member gave a speech in the Korean National Assembley and I am seeing all kinds of subtweets.
I must say I was sympathetic to the members of New Jeans, Illit and Lesserafim but lately I feel like I just don’t care and it’s likely because I have never really been that invested in these groups beyond this controversy too.
New Jeans always seemed like a nice group to play in the background but not the type you’d stan or care about individual members. Probably why they appealed to the non-kpop fans so much. They came without a lot of the usual kpop elements like music with a mish-mash of genres or some elaborate performances. Non-kpop fans don’t really tend to be into all that.
Now I don’t have a problem with that. I am not one of those people who goes well I want kpop etc. I think every artist does their own thing. I just feel like New Jeans’ music was the kind that fades in the background? I don’t mean this as a drag.
Plus the members of New Jeans never stood out to me so it’s not like there’s anything to talk about them. This controversy is perhaps the most people have had anything to say about them?
Anyways I wish them the best.
I don’t know much about Illit or Lesserafim to comment. Never heard their songs or watched them perform. I wish them well too.
But I kinda feel crazy when I see almost everyone tweet about this whole debacle, discuss fiercely about it even in group chats. I just feel confused and a little odd for not caring about the whole thing.
Am I the only one?
The whole issue is just a non-issue at this point. At least from the gp/casual kpop fan perspective. It is a corporate drama, will go to court, get solved there. Maybe this will be the end of some groups, maybe we will get a new group. The company will likely move on, pretend this didn’t happen and debut more kpop groups. Typical kpop stuff life goes on.
Knowing this truth of the kpop life I am just bored here. Musically the industry seems slow. People seem bored. This is how they are passing time I guess.
submitted by /u/creampistascchio
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