Vibing with a group’s concept but not their music

I don’t know how to formulate this exactly, but I just realised something. There is something I like about IVE’s concepts. Their teasers are pretty, I really liked the vibes they were going for with SWITCH. Heya is not a bad song and I don’t mind listening to it, but the MV caught my attention more than the song. Same with Accendio. I also enjoyed the Cupid concept trailer but, and I know this is unpopular, I didn’t vibe with Love Dive.

I feel the same way about G-idle. Their concepts are REALLY good and their MVs are super interesting. But I find myself not wanting to listen to the songs more. But I love the way they go with some their concepts such as Oh My God, Hwaa, LION, Hann.

And I realised that there are some groups whose concepts are really good and interesting. But I find myself more interested in the visuals than the music, and I want to enjoy the music, but something is just not clicking. But I always find myself checking the teasers and concept trailers.

submitted by /u/Moonbunny120
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