This education system should be illegal

I grew up in korea , went to bunch of 학원 and always stopped myself from doing and thinking what I wanted to. I didn’t want to be a bad kid and was obedient to elders and teachers. Now when I think of student days I think of very few things. I don’t have traumatic memories thank god, but I just feel sad and feel like i was used for elders’ fun and politics.

I was a top in a school which means I didn’t even think of doing what I want to do, only studying. Those teachers wanted me to get to good uni so they can get recommendations and raises. Those still have effects on me cuz I only think of running away when some romantic or fun things are starting to happen. I just can’t smile when I am with koreans. I used to hate them but I decided to just not care cuz that is just easier. I hate this and feel sad and am sick of it and starting to hate korea deeply.

submitted by /u/hbkkane
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