taehyun & hueningkai from txt just released an indie rock track and it is really good

it makes me want to go ride a train and stare dreamily out the window! you can find it if you search tomorrow x together – surfing in the moonlight. it seems to be a soundtrack for a drama that will air on netflix. i know it cannot technically be indie rock when coming from pop stars working with netflix, but it definitely has the sound. it reminds me of some bands i listened to in the late 2000s-2010s, so it feels really nostalgic somehow. i know the boys like rock, and txt have a lot of melancholy in some of their songs, so it makes sense, but i was still really surprised, had not expected this style from them! please have a listen and share if you know other idols who have been in this genre.

submitted by /u/deadplantsdeadplants
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