Lesserafim’s HOT was okay at best. Opinions?

i was basically disappointed, the song is barely over two minutes long. the verses are good, and the girls really sounded amazing on it as well – but it’s so short? they definitely could’ve done A LOT more, and added a bridge??? i just didn’t understand why they would go with a laidback chill song like Easy. Crazy was a hype banger and i expected them to follow up with something hype as well. as for the album, it’s definitely not my favorite either. there’s only one song on the album that’s over two minutes (Ash). i do like this project because of the cohesiveness of it, and Ash definitely deserves it’s flowers because that song is beautiful. Come over is basically No-Return’s sister. i just didn’t get why they made the title track so short and it’s really nothing that stands out, like don’t get me wrong i do like the song but it’s so underwhelming.

submitted by /u/felurie
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