I am suddenly finding kpop idols cringe .

I’ll explain myself better but the other day I randomly read on a social media a google doc with all the details of an idol bullying scandal of few years ago. Since I follow them I already heard about this scandal but never really went further but reading all the details kinda upset me since I personally got bullied when I was younger, but that’s not really the point of this post. What happen after is that I suddenly started to view kpop idols from an “outsider” prospective, and all these idols “classic” fan service behaviours such as: sexy dances or facial expressions, acting cute/innocent (this always kinda made me cringe lol), being a dork, purposely acting sexy etc., all things that are a part of the reason why i enjoy kpop, are cringing me to next level right now… i guess I’m just having a moment of realization lol

A bit sad cause kpop was one of the “hobbies” that i enjoyed the most lately, could be just a phase but anyways it’s obviously not that deep, was just a random thought that i had yesterday

submitted by /u/Asleephgtd
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