I want to start of by saying that I’m not an army or BTS anti I just have a few questions for armys since I’ve recently spend some time on twitter(mostly normal kpop spaces) and I’ve seen armys trend tons of hashtags for their members and recently they even got a member,I think jhope a no.1 on US iTunes which is pretty difficult even for a group as big as BLACKPINK,so I’ve went to some big army accounts just to see how they do it and I’ve genuinely never felt such envy for a fandom. They’re genuinely so organised,they planned to give jhope a no.1 on US iTunes because all the members got one so they just organised a whole buying and streaming party for his song out of the blue.
This is an appreciation post from a fellow blink,I just wish blinks were able to be so organised and dedicated because we barely get the members a no.1 on ITunes when they release a new song so armys doing it randomly is just..amazing.
I think I might just become an army because it’s sounds so fun to spend time in a positive and non toxic environment,where the main focus isn’t hating on other groups/idols but focused on streaming/buying.
I also couldn’t help but keep on looking through big army accounts and notice they’re quite literally organising a streaming party? for bts’ older songs like dynamite,and it actually seemed to work😭
I’m aware armys are also toxic just like every fandom out there but I was extremely surprised to see such positive energy
I’m not sure if the appreciation flair fits this,since it’s more of a question
submitted by /u/prettyinblackpink
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