I wasn’t sure how to classify this but now that the latest episode for Road to Kingdom: Ace of Ace is out (this post is spoiler free btw), I think this is a really interesting discussion to have now that l’ve been on the other side of it!
For context, I was selected to be apart of the Road to Kingdom: Ace of Ace (RTK_A) field audience for Round 3! The entire experience was really cool, and I’m forever grateful to even have been apart of the process as a field audience voter.
Now that the episode has aired, and seeing the results of the voting, it left me thinking about how much weight that vote has. As a viewer of these types of shows, there are times where we go “Why didn’t X rank higher? Did the live audience not get it?” Or wishing to be apart of that live audience to have your opinion voiced through the vote. We’ve seen it throughout multiple survival shows, and the difference that one might have from watching in the studio versus what ends up being broadcasted. The field audience doesn’t get details about the behind the sc or the montages they play before showcasing the performance either.
Back to the discussion at hand, I was wondering how you all feel about the responsibility that a live audience vote has and how it changes your view on a show or group? It’s a little bit of an odd question but I would love to hear your input on this and hopefully have a discussion on what it means to hold that weight as a live voter, and how that translates to viewers later on!
Personally, it felt good to know that my vote was reflected in the end result, and being able to show support for performers that especially stood out. I know as a viewer of these shows I would be disappointed that a group didn’t rank higher than I wanted to, but also had to understand that broadcast viewers get background information and a story line to follow through editing.
submitted by /u/withluvisee
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