Is it worth it? Lip syncing at concert tours

Genuine question bc I’m seeing it as a more and more common trend amongst this generation of kpop concerts where they just lip sync 98% of the concert and maybe do 2 songs live only lol

Like I want to see a few groups I’ve been liking but when I watch fancams, it’s nothing but lipsyncing. I think it’s just the company cutting costs so that don’t have to invest in ensuring good sound technicians and etc too but why is this a thing now??

Like I love aespa but their concert is not even live and I don’t want to be spending money if not even 70% of thy concert is live. I know they’re not the only ones doing it but they’re the only current group I’m paying attention to. Like fans ain’t you upset that you just showing up to listen to a CD essentially? Or is it really worth it just bc you are seeing them in person?

I’m not trying to invite hate bc I know aespa is more than capable of holding a live concert and putting the blame on the companies instead

submitted by /u/Ohmaimy
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