Do you think Queendom series should, and can it be revamped

It’s been weighing on my mind for a while, actually some time after the second season ended, that there is still a plethora of girl-groups and soloists that weren’t on the show, but I would like them to see on it. After the luke-warm reception of the second season compared to the first one, and the failure of Queendom Puzzle, do you think that the series can be rejuvenated?

I personally think that with the right lineup, and maybe few rules changes, or even a concept change to include more groups, combining the concept of Road to and the Queendom series, the show might actually be restored to what it was. Ofcourse there is a problem of groups rather choosing to tour and earn money, than spend time on these shows, so a lot of them may or may not say no, but it’s still a wish of mine.

submitted by /u/TomHardyIsDaddy
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