Adopted Korean reunited…not?

Hello. I am an American. With Korean ethnicity. I like to say I have no identity, kinda like San is neither wolf nor human in Princess Mononoke, or so says her adoptive God mom. But I digress.

I recently was able to connect to my biological father via my adoption agency. Apparently I have two half sisters. One of which wants nothing to do with me. Additionally, my adoptive father wrote one letter and since then, communication seems off, or made up. Or he’s literally not interested in me.

Is this just the culture of Koreans? Am I that much of a reject to them that they won’t even acknowledge me?

For the record I was adopted in 1980s.

I am not sure what I am expecting out of this by posting here. I don’t want sympathetic pity. But I’ve only recently gotten courageous in asking questions since the birth of my own child, a child who is mine and adored and cherished two years ago.

submitted by /u/MonarchSwimmer300
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