Bambola makes me think Ten’s the most fun person to party and play with in kpop🤩😅

Bambola definitely makes me want to party with Ten!

I swear I never get enough of TEN LEE cuz in each of his solo releases I get to see and enjoy another side to him. And I know he’s very versatile, but I can’t helped but still be surprised by him each time cuz he always keeps things fresh.

And this time Ten brings out a combination of PLAYFUL, CHEEKY, SASSY, HIP, SUPER FUN and COOL side in his BAMBOLA mv. Like he plays this mischievous but fun party guy who’s probably just manipulating or playing around with people but I don’t care cuz I’ll probably believe and do whatever he tells me to anyway 😭

Like, his voice, his expressions, his overall style, the way he just immerses himself into the song, dance and character – it all just draws me in. And he looked so uniquely attractive, playful and free that it felt like if his character were real I would volunteer to be “played” by him – that’s how dangerous his charm is.😩 And it’s kind of freeing to surrender to his charm😅😭

So yeah, check out BAMBOLA mv and let Ten take you for a ride. Also, keep in mind that this song would be easier to enjoy if you don’t think about. It’s a song that you just have to feel and ride along to to understand.😉

submitted by /u/Intelligent-Ad9582
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