After a tour around several Asian countries, including Taiwan, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and Laos, I have reached Korea. In each country, I have found much joy and one of the things I have most enjoyed in each country is seeing the elderly people being active – having fun, playing games, dancing, singing and exercising together, both in the evening and morning and regardless of the weather conditions. I appreciate this vibe and it is obvious to me that the folks are appreciating their community as well. This is something that barely happens in the West.
I have recently reached Korea and with the country being well ahead of other countries in terms of aging, I expected to see similar vibe. However, after 2 weeks in Seoul, Busan and rural east coast, I have not seen any of that. I have seen many elderly people on the mountain trails, homeless in the tunnels, making circles with a walking aid on the top of a high-rise apartment block and sitting on the park bench, but almost always alone and with what seems to be bitter sadness painted on their face. In fact, the only joy, interaction and positivity that I have personally witnessed over the past week has come from other Asian tourists whom I have stumbled upon on my way. If I am truly honest, I think I could easily extend what I have previously described to not only the elderly, but any age group. There is a certain kind of vibe in Korea which I did not experience in any of the countries that I mentioned above.
With all that in mind, I am here to ask: do Koreans enjoy their life in Korea? I am not asking this question to provoke the crowds, but more to understand if what I have been experiencing is due to colder season or my own inability to notice certain things. I have lived in China for quite a long time and often thought that the Chinese, especially in the north, can sometimes be indifferent and cold, but compared to what I have experienced here thusfar, they are one jolly crowd.
Thanks and please don’t hit me too hard.
submitted by /u/euphoricscrewpine
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