After seeing the news that Everglow not getting paid after many years, if I was the Bang Si Hyuk, I would push for a industry-wide monthly minimum wage.

First of all, I am singling him out because I think even amongst big 4 only him could achieve this. His company his bigger and probably would have more sway in the government, and other big 3 could obviously join on this later.

If you didn’t see the news, Everglow members didn’t get paid even after 6 years. And, actually, many of the smaller companies do the same thing. So, you can ask why should it prompt Bang Si Hyuk to plead the government for workers’ rights. The answer is that it would greatly benefit him as well.

The average idol experience is getting scammed by your company. I think even one Taemin who is one of the most well known idols couldn’t get his money from SM and that’s why he left. You are probably familiar with BBC and Loona case as well. So, companies scam the idols, give them insane contracts that put the idols in huge debts and start paying them years later, after saying their debts are paid. Even big companies do this and smaller companies goes further and pay nothing.

I think that Hybe can obviously afford paying their idols minimum wage, but the smaller companies can’t. They steal from their artist and that’s how they stand afloat. A government mandated monthly wage would orient those enterprises to focus on other kinds of businesses. This business model of making the idols indebted to you first in a huge sum and start paying them years later would die out. Even the other small companies who are trying to do a decent job paying their artist would start to struggle financially, since they would have to continuously pay their artist and not only after earning money themselves. Every comeback, they are investing money and getting in the green takes a lot of time for especially smaller companies. Their budget would be cut down. They could also would be able to debut less idols. It would add another worry to investors looking to start an idol company and make it more risky. Honestly, a lot of smaller companies get thinned out and a bigger market pie would be left to the bigger companies.

Obviously, doing a such a thing, would be great for PR, “a company that cares and pays”. And talent pool would be widened because being idol would start to be seen as a job that has a stable income and more people consider being an idol. I think it would be so beneficial for them. What do you guys think about this?

submitted by /u/BabyAdvanced6905
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