Random Itzy appreciation: “Mr Vampire”, “None of my business” are underrated

  • Their biggest hits are WANNABE and DALLA DALLA and maybe a couple other early ones right? The two in my title are post- their rookie golden age.
  • “Mr Vampire” got me into kpop because I was like “yeah… that is catchy… I should look it up.” I think their sound is peak here. It’s very catchy, lively and stylish dance, I think it’s fun hearing them in romantic song instead of pure girl crush stuff.
  • I’m a pretty big fan of the Lia version too “Gold” era.
  • “None of my business” has a really clippy energy to it with how it transitions into prechorus/chorus abruptly and repeatedly. It’s also my favorite vocal mix of theirs because I think Ryujin’s rap is very good and it’s such a pleasurable juxtaposition with Lia’s vocal/rap following. (I think. Not 100% sure. Pretty sure I know what they all sound like individually.)
  • “None of my business” is a fantastic dance for the theme. It keeps up with Itzy’s friendly vibe even though the song itself has this hilarious concept that goes something like “hey why are you ignoring me ignoring you” somewhere mid-breakup. (So does “Escalator.” Have you ever watched someone depart by escalator? It’s… not dramatic.)
  • “Imaginary Friend” continues to be accurately rated.

submitted by /u/abyssazaur
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